Our Beliefs

Our Mission

Breaking Down Our Mission


We desire to see people who are far from God become followers of Jesus… which means we will *declare* the gospel to every person, everywhere. 

This is based on the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:19), where Jesus calls us to go and make disciples of all nations. We believe our role is to leverage our lives and our words to make known the grace, hope, and joy in Jesus through daily interactions and relationships with all we come into contact with (see Romans 10:1-17).


We desire to see people *actually* follow Jesus in every area of their lives… which means we will help people grow in the knowledge and practice of their faith (see Ephesians 4:12). 

Whether it is through Sunday Morning groups, Midweek Bible studies, or Sunday Morning services, we hope to provide opportunities for people to deepen their devotion and affection as they follow Jesus (see Luke 9:23-24).


We desire for people to be “sent out” as witnesses of the gospel to the world (see Acts 1:8)… which means every follower of Jesus has unique gifts, skills, and abilities that should be used to help the people around them to follow Jesus (see Romans 12:6-8). 

To be deployed is to serve by assisting with our kids, directing traffic, playing an instrument, teaching a class, even by making the coffee. For others, it might be serving organizations throughout our community. There are a number of ways you can be deployed, remembering we all serve one another just as Christ served us (see Matthew 20:26-28).


Southern Baptists of Texas Convention

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North American 
Mission Board

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International Mission Board

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