Student Missions

High School Mission Trip Purpose Statement:

High School mission trips provide students with an opportunity to serve people in ways they typically don’t.
Students get out of their comfort zone to share their faith, their time, and their resources with those who are in need.

Middle School Mission Week Purpose Statement:

Middle School mission week provides students with an opportunity to serve people in our local surrounding area in ways they typically don’t.

Students get out of their comfort zone to share their faith, their time, and their resources with those who are in need in a safe and local environment.

High School Mission Trip Philosophy:

There are some opportunities to teach students throughout the mission trip. Ultimately the lessons that are learned are centered around the importance of mission work and how to do mission work.

We want students to walk away with an understanding that life does not look the same everywhere, but the need for Jesus does. We also want them to learn and develop the skills of sharing their faith.

Students do mission work in community with one another. Sometimes we have the opportunity to serve alongside other churches and other Christians.

We want students to realize that there is a mission field within their own communities. It may not always look the same, but there are opportunities for them to work together to further God’s Kingdom.

Ideally, students will serve on mission, enjoy working together, and take a heart for missions back to their small groups to do local missions with their small group.

This is the biggest opportunity that students have throughout the year to help those who are less fortunate. Depending on the project, they get opportunities to share their faith, teach biblical lessons to younger children, do construction projects, and serve the hungry and the homeless.

Middle School Mission Week Philosophy:

Depending on the style of mission work, we spend some time studying what Bible story the students typically will teach. We also spend some time explaining to middle school students why missions are important and what the possible impact of this week looks like.

Teaching is the smallest component of this week. Our main focus is just to remind our students that we serve others because Jesus served us as an example and told us to serve others.

Middle school students get the opportunity to spend time together doing service work. No matter what the mission work is students usually support and encourage one another, building relationships with each other.

We often use younger high school leaders to help lead the mission projects which also fosters relationships between our younger and older students.

This is the biggest opportunity for our middle school students to serve during the year. We try to provide an environment where every student gets an opportunity to actually do something to help others in our local communities.

Registrations Are Now Open!

High School

Middle School