Small Groups are designed for students in grades 7-12 to engage with their same-gender and same-grade peers in biblical community alongside an adult Small Group Leader. In Small Groups, students spend time unpacking the Bible and seeking to call one another to faithfully and obediently live out what Scripture commands.
Our student ministry teaching team is responsible for teaching at the beginning of each service hour which leads into our Small Group Leaders leading and facilitating discussions within their own Small Groups.
Our small groups are designed to promote a lifelong, discipling relationship between mature Christian adults and students. We strive to recruit and see to it that small group leaders begin with their group in 7th grade and lead them through the end of their senior year.
We believe that the consistent and long-term connection with their small group leader gives students the opportunity to radically grow in their faith through a dependable discipling relationship. The longer the relationship has to grow, the more likely a student is going to see what is being taught in Scripture worked out in the lives of their adult leader.
Students spend each year with the same group of students as well. They build relationships with one another as they grow in their faith through middle school, high school, and into college.