adult ministry


Sunday School Groups

At First Rockwall, we believe that we weren’t meant to do life alone and spiritual growth is important. For that reason, we challenge every person to do life together in an Adult Sunday School Group. Our groups spend time in God’s Word every Sunday, hang out together regularly, and serve together. Groups meet Sunday morning at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 on the church campus. Preschool, kids, and student groups are available during Adult Sunday School group time.

If you have any questions or if we can help you find a group, please contact us.

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Jesse Crouch

Jesse Crouch

Minister to Adults (55+)

Jesse has been on staff with FBC since 1997. He oversees our classes that are primarily made up of Active and Older Adults who are 55+.

Paul Byrom

Paul Byrom

Minister to Young and Median Adults

Paul joined our staff in 2021. He leads Young and Median Adult Ministry and “Connections” with new members. 

Susan Edsall

Susan Edsall

Administrative Assistant to Minister to Adults

Susan Edsall first came to work at our church in 2002 were she served as the Music Library/Media Assistant. In 2007, she left to be home with her children. She returned to our staff in 2016 as the Administrative Assistant to the Minister to Adults.